
Showing posts from February, 2020

O, Eros!

dance me Eros god of love beauty passion the day is screaming with the scent of you I wait for you at the oases of hot suns on the sand of love of awakened passions near the entrance of the temple of hot continents awaken me Dionysus god of bites joy and sin seduce, o, Eros! I will shed thousand year old prejudices shed the denial of millions of women vestals of all temples and dance like a river at the crossroads of times with fire in my hips flames in my eyes and heart in my dance seduce me o, Eros be mine as the night pours into the chalice of morning and the wind roams through the harems of the city dance me dance into a woman who knows what she wants while all others sleep and the moon yawns during the song of the morning make love to me o, Eros! From my poetry collection The Breviary of Life, Notes of the Soul! Translation in English Isabelle Kralj. More info : O, Eros! zapleši me Eros bog ljubezni ...

Prepusti se

prepusti se odpusti  kočijam oblakov med postajami src ki tovorijo meglo mraz gnev  spusti vajeti sandalom naj noga z mehkobo vezalk začuti poletje sramežljivih ros črnih tulipay zemlje ne omejuj ne zamejuj pretokov spoznanj razočaranih časov  ki ti kot angeli kažejo smer  in te vračajo k sebi ne beži ne išči  ne lune ne sonca  ne zvezd na odrih  neodplesanih plesov na sotočjih zatajenih rek odloži palače brez oken limuzine brez vrat oaze brez vod naj jokajo sanje naj joka poged naj joka čas v tebi naj joka poljub naj joka telo naj joka vsa ženska v tebi na joka ves človek v sebi... *** déjate llevar déjate llevar perdona los carros de nubes entre paradas de corazones que aportan niebla frío ira afloja la herradura de las sandalias que el pie con la dulzura de los cordones sienta nuevamente el verano de tímido rocío de tulipanes negros al borde de la tierra no pongas límites no ...

Dotikanje z lepim, Ljubezni brez doma na odru v Osrednji knjižnici Celje
