dark semblances of light © dragica čarna
dark semblances of light push into the air I’m inhaling like a smell of sulphur in my mouth like saliva acrid superfluous in moments of my expectations verses as they come along flee from myself like a child on a swing no sooner have I caught the board than she’s anew in the air her toes reaching upwards for the impulse to be greater for the momentum to be stronger as her feet get back to the ground I am lying on the edge of the edge the drop on my right kilometres deep this overhanging cliff my body on the ground and I am struggling for a cm slowly gathering my will to get away away from all ends which bear no beginnings and no light and which I cannot outgrow and which it’s not my lot to internalise Falling Falling Falling rivers everywhere borderless confluences of white waters and me clutching the pebbles the waving fences and wedging my feet into the stones in order not to slip into the foam of furious rivers battles a...