
Showing posts from 2020

Red kiss @ dragica čarna

The poem where the woman dares to dream and love   The idea for this poem was born in late spring and matured in the summer.   I awoke in myself this part of a woman who has been sleeping, cancelled or repressed for many years.   I wrote a few poems before Federico was satisfied, as he had his own vision of how to realize this sensual awakening of a woman.   And then we started to work. Almost a month and a half of intensive daily recitation lessons with the exceptional Slovenian actress, performer, and TV presenter Zvezdana Mlakar. It was necessary to break down all forms of the recitation and to go to the essence of the content and speak from oneself, make the poem alive in a new way and ground it. Thank you, dear Zvezdana, for your patient time of practice with me. And your suggestions about improving the video. I am infinitely grateful to you.   The realization and aesthetics of the video were Federico’s work. He did an excellent pie...

My poetic participation with poem Mama! Free the Word: Poetry Gone Viral! Global Poetry Zoom!


Federico Garcia Lorca

Z apis o Federicu Garcí Lorci ( Fuente Vaqueros , provinca Granade, 5.junij 1898 –umrl v Alfacarju 18.avgusta 1936 ) pesniku, dramaturgu in proznemu ustvarjalcu v španščini, je moj nekajletni dolg umetniku, vse od takrat, ko sem leta 1998 kot soproga veleposlanika v Kraljevini Španiji bila gostiteljica predsedniškega slovenskega para, ki je bil na uradnem obisku pri kralju in je soproga predsednika Kučana prinesla v Španijo kot darilo vse prevode Lorce v slovenščino. Španci se niso in niso mogli načuditi kvantiteti prevodov, s katerimi so bili soočeni pri tako maloštevilnem narodu, saj Lorca zanje še zdaleč ni najbolj pomemben pesnik, čeprav je najbolj odmeven v tujini zaradi svoje nenavadne in skrivnostne smrti s strani španske falage v civilni vojni. Ves čas so namreč tuji mediji in gibanja pro Lorca  dajala vsemu svetu vtis, da je bil ubit zato, ker je bil gej in antifašist. Vseh svojih pet let življenja v Madridu sem spremljala polemike o Lorci, je velik ali...

Mama @ dragica čarna

Poem for my Mother, which was written a couple of hours she passed away. My greatest and eternal love. ❤ Special thanks to dear Federico Ordoñez for his artistic work, for his ideas on how to realise this special moment of goodbye, and for making this great and unique video. ❤  Special thanks as well to the singer Esteban for his beautiful vocal, and of course to dear Slovenian artist and performer Zvezdana Mlakar for her recitation classes.  ❤ Hope you will enjoy and share the video of eternal love.  ❤ ❤  Grateful. Thank you. Dragica Čarna

Tolikokrat @ dragica čarna

My new poem with the Full Moon in Libra and Sun in Aries.❤ Thank you to the sun and moon in the same time for being close to me, thank you to Federico Ordoñez! With your special talent for beauty, you created a new beauty. Images from Brussels that many of you dont know... Nova, najbolj sveža pesem in realizirana na polno luno v tehnici in soncem v ovnu.❤ Hvala soncu in hkrati luni ob meni za ta čudovit video, Federico Ordoñez! Z občutkom za lepoto si ustvaril novo lepoto.❤ Posnetki Bruslja, ki ga večina ne pozna...vabljeni k ogledu in vabljeni k deljenju. ...hvala. @dragica čarna video creator @ federico ordoñez

Este deseo...@ dragica čarna

Avtorska interpretacija pesmi iz nastajajoče pesniške zbirke. Copyright dragica čarna Video creator @ Federico Ordoñez.

Coronavirus: a mirror of Earth and Time

These  past couple of  days I unexpectedly  experienced a special learning.  I listen ed to  the channelled lecture of Facebook friends Gaia Asta, wh o  I appreciate very much as an artist  due to her beautiful  healing songs , and  her husband Alan, who channelled the knowledge of a master I had never heard of. I listened curiously to the lecture and was fascinated. Master Kuthumi's words went through me like a light that opened my heart and eyes at the same time. All morning I listened to and returned to his messages about the current pandemic in the world and the reasons  behind   it, the consequences it bears ,  and the warnings with which it strikes in our tim e. I would like to share these messages and info with all of you, as they are messages to be transmitted to the world, if we want to exist as a species on Earth  (and not just in terms of overcoming the pandemic) , said the Master himself....