
Showing posts from April, 2020

Tolikokrat @ dragica čarna

My new poem with the Full Moon in Libra and Sun in Aries.❤ Thank you to the sun and moon in the same time for being close to me, thank you to Federico Ordoñez! With your special talent for beauty, you created a new beauty. Images from Brussels that many of you dont know... Nova, najbolj sveža pesem in realizirana na polno luno v tehnici in soncem v ovnu.❤ Hvala soncu in hkrati luni ob meni za ta čudovit video, Federico Ordoñez! Z občutkom za lepoto si ustvaril novo lepoto.❤ Posnetki Bruslja, ki ga večina ne pozna...vabljeni k ogledu in vabljeni k deljenju. ...hvala. @dragica čarna video creator @ federico ordoñez

Este deseo...@ dragica čarna

Avtorska interpretacija pesmi iz nastajajoče pesniške zbirke. Copyright dragica čarna Video creator @ Federico Ordoñez.

Coronavirus: a mirror of Earth and Time

These  past couple of  days I unexpectedly  experienced a special learning.  I listen ed to  the channelled lecture of Facebook friends Gaia Asta, wh o  I appreciate very much as an artist  due to her beautiful  healing songs , and  her husband Alan, who channelled the knowledge of a master I had never heard of. I listened curiously to the lecture and was fascinated. Master Kuthumi's words went through me like a light that opened my heart and eyes at the same time. All morning I listened to and returned to his messages about the current pandemic in the world and the reasons  behind   it, the consequences it bears ,  and the warnings with which it strikes in our tim e. I would like to share these messages and info with all of you, as they are messages to be transmitted to the world, if we want to exist as a species on Earth  (and not just in terms of overcoming the pandemic) , said the Master himself....